What's on My Mind with Fiona

Episode 3 There is a name for people with a cervix..... women!

Fiona Kane Season 1 Episode 3
Audio Player
00:00 | 33:13

In the last couple of years I have noticed subtle and not so subtle changes happening in language. Now I see it happening in science and biology and I find this alarming. This could lead to people not understanding health campaigns and not having health checks.

For example, campaigns regarding cervical cancer screening should be very clearly targeted at women; however, the word woman is often not within the campaign. If the word woman is used, it will also be next to terms such as "assigned woman at birth" or trans men; or some other term which can be particularly confusing to those who don't have English as a first language or have a poor knowledge of their own basic biology. 

This issue affects safety, health and women's rights overall. I discuss my concerns about these issues and how toxic compassion is not compassion at all, in this episode.

Guitar Intro Music from Pixabay

Music by Vlad Krotov from Pixabay

Website: https://fionakane.com.au/

Guitar Intro Music from Pixabay

Music by Vlad Krotov from Pixabay

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